Weekend Programming

Alan Smith

Blockchain Solution Architect

Using a blockchain is cryptographically secure – the ledger is distributed across all nodes in the system making hacking near impossible. All of the solidity Ethereum smart contract code used for the token sale and vault account was fully audited by SmartDec, a firm specialized in Smart Contract Security Audit. No single authority has control, the network cannot be distorded or manipulated by a single controlling authority.

Blockchain Technology90%
Computer Security85%

ERC-20 universal standard

Up to 45% of a merchant’s budget is spent on commissions charged by a number of brokers, including banks, payment systems, advertising.


Smart contract management

Up to 45% of a merchant’s budget is spent on commissions charged by a number of brokers, including banks, payment systems, advertising.


40 ICO features to choose from

Up to 45% of a merchant’s budget is spent on commissions charged by a number of brokers, including banks, payment systems, advertising.


Fully Scalable

Up to 45% of a merchant’s budget is spent on commissions charged by a number of brokers, including banks, payment systems, advertising.


Marketing Service

Up to 45% of a merchant’s budget is spent on commissions charged by a number of brokers, including banks, payment systems, advertising.


ICO Result Analyze

Up to 45% of a merchant’s budget is spent on commissions charged by a number of brokers, including banks, payment systems, advertising.


Immediate funding without third-parties. Smart contracts autonomously perform funding – collect and release payments

Fair deals only

Open-source smart contract ensures fair and transparent deals between merchants and affiliates

Protection from hacking

On a decentralized platform, all user accounts are independent; if one account is hacked, this won’t breach the security of.


cost effective

Scale economy through decentralization leading to significant decrease in transaction fees


No more middle men

Immediate funding without third-parties. Smart contracts autonomously perform funding – collect and release payments.


Easy entry and fair competition

Open-source smart contract ensures fair and transparent deals between merchants and affiliates



On a decentralized platform, all user accounts are independent; if one account is hacked, this won’t breach the security of.



Scale economy through decentralization leading to significant decrease in transaction fees

Why Us?
Blockchain Solution Architect

Thanks to incentivization, Cryptro’s network has grown to 4,100 masternodes since launch in 2014.

In Cryptro, everyone has a voice and the ability to propose projects directly to the network. Anything you can do – from marketing to development – that helps Cryptro grow and improve can be funded. This means Cryptro funds its own growth and adoption, consensus is guaranteed, and everyone is accountable to the network.

Project Advisors

No personnel found, please create the personnel post to use the item.
Institution Customers
Faster Speed Of Transaction
Token Holders
Supported Countries

The Cryptro Wallet is a gateway to decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows you to hold and secure Cryptro

Interested in learning more about STEM and developing your knowledge on the weekends?

Our weekend program currently consists of the STEM National

 Leadership Program, but there is more to come, so keep your eyes wide open and check for updates on this page!

STEM Leadership Program: The STEM National Leadership Program (SNLP) 

is available to children ages 10-18. The program will provide children and youth with immersive STEM-base

d learning. Students will have the opportunity to facilitate and engage in community projects, ultimately pioneering change within the community. Students will also have the opportunity to engage in unique national and global STEM opportunities, programs, workshops, and mentorship sessions directed towards the pursuit of post-secondary education and enhanced STEM career aspirations.

Build unstoppable applications

These apps run on a custom built blockchain, an enormously powerful shared global infrastructure that can move value around and represent the ownership of property. This enables developers to create markets, store registries of debts or promises, move funds in accordance with instructions given long in the past (like a will or a futures contract) and many other things that have not been invented yet, all without a middleman or counterpart risk.

Connectivity across payments networks

Instant, on-demand settlement

Real-time traceability of funds

Low operational and liquidity costs

Workflow & Process

These apps run on a custom built blockchain, an enormously powerful shared global infrastructure that can move value around and represent the ownership of property. This enables developers to create markets, store registries of debts or promises, move funds in accordance with instructions given long in the past (like a will or a futures contract) and many other things that have not been invented yet, all without a middleman or counterpart risk.

Connectivity across payments networks

Instant, on-demand settlement

Real-time traceability of funds

Low operational and liquidity costs