More and more women each year are graduating across the world with degrees in science, engineering, technology, and mathematics. However, the numbers of women dwindle at senior levels, whether in the corporate or academia.
Some of the issues that contribute towards this effect are common across countries and social classes. Some issues are, however, unique to individuals and organizations.
Listen to the stories of three unique women, who have worked across academia, R&D and industry and in different countries and cultures.
How do they look back on the challenges that they faced during their own individual journey? As they look ahead, what are the major changes and trends that they see in the current world? Do they see the world for women in STEM becoming a more inclusive place?
Key participants:
Prof. Anitha Kurup, Head of Education Program, National Institute of Advanced Studies, India
Prof. Anju Massey-Brooker, Fellow Royal Society of Chemistry, Retd. Principal Scientist, Procter & Gamble
Prof. Ritu Kataky, Chemistry, Durham University; FRSC; Founder Director, Smart Biofilm Ltd.
Moderator: Dr. Mita Brahma, Head – HR, NIIT
Welcome & introduction, Wrap up & vote of thanks: Pradeep Khanna, Executive Director, Asia Pacific at VR AR Association