Economic Development


Economic Development through STEM Innovation: The Role of CISI

The Canadian Institute of STEM Innovation (CISI) plays a vital role in driving economic development, both within our borders and across the globe. We believe in the transformative power of STEM innovation as a catalyst for economic prosperity and sustainability, aligning with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Economic Development as a Cornerstone of CISI

Economic development is not a byproduct of our efforts at CISI, but a key objective. We understand the intricate link between STEM advancement and economic prosperity. STEM innovation stimulates economic growth by fostering new industries, creating high-paying jobs, and increasing productivity through technological advancements. Moreover, it helps address critical challenges such as climate change and health crises, contributing to resilient economies.

Embracing the Future

At CISI, we are proud to be a driving force in the symbiotic relationship between STEM innovation and economic development. As we equip individuals with essential STEM skills, promote cutting-edge research, and advocate for inclusive growth, we are not just shaping the economy of the future – we are ensuring that it is sustainable, inclusive, and resilient, in alignment with the global vision encapsulated by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Contribution to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

Our commitment to driving economic development through STEM aligns closely with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. By harnessing STEM innovation, we contribute to numerous SDGs directly and indirectly:

  • Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth - By promoting STEM education and innovation, we foster job creation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth.
  • Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure - We contribute to building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and fostering innovation.
  • Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals - We actively collaborate with industry, academia, and governments to advance the SDGs through STEM innovation.

Local to Global Impact

At the local level, our initiatives and programs stimulate economic activity by providing employment, fostering start-ups, and developing new technologies. Nationally, we contribute to the economy by elevating Canada’s position as a global leader in STEM, enhancing the competitiveness of our industries, and fostering an environment conducive to innovation and technological advancement.

Globally, our impact extends to promoting international collaboration, driving innovation in emerging economies, and advocating for inclusive and sustainable industrialization, in line with the ninth United Nations SDG – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.